Mysha, where have you been girl?!

If you noticed (or cared lol), then you see that I haven’t been blogging as of late. Last semester was real.. like real life struggle! I was busy keeping my head above water with grades, bills, and income. I honestly didn’t have time to write. I hope you have enjoyed the motivational messages to maintain positive vibes.…

New year, New Goals! 

​For those like me who don’t have a new year resolution, write down the things you want God to work out in your life. It can be life goals or about areas in your life. As Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision. Make it plain.” At the beginning of 2016, I wrote everything I needed…

Another day. Another death. Another Hashtag.

​I know there are good police officers, but these other ones…  Are police officers not trained professionals? Do police not undergo regular psychological testing? Why are police officers in a position that they fear working? What happened to the saying “somebody scary with a gun is dangerous”? Do these people not understand that taking a…

Pep Talk for Financial Blues

I’m always trying to figure out how to get something done within my means. It is stressful. I start to question every decision I made that lead me to this moment. I take credit for for 89% of my situation but the other 11% I chalk up to life. It happens and it happens fast…

Current Thoughts of this Mother

When I was in middle school, me and my mama were outside of a store and this black guy was getting arrested. My mama told me to wait to get in the car, and to watch. I remember her telling me to keep my eyes on the officer and the arrested man. We stood there.…

Social Media Hiatus

Today, I woke up at midnight, scrolled through my social media, and decided I needed to take a hiatus. I don’t think there is anything wrong with engaging in social media. I noticed that every time I picked up my phone, I immediately clicked on social media. Then I reflected on how I was posting…

Movie Tavern with the Boys

Like most people (people like me), I’ve been waiting on another Nemo movie for almost 13 years now. I was so excited to see this movie. The boys were excited too. I remember when the boys used to call it the fish movie lol. During our trip to Baton Rouge, we visited the Movie Tavern…


It gets under people’s skin when black women talk about #BlackGirlMagic. People tend to point fingers like we’re being racist or giving ourselves more credit than due. Let me be the first person to tell you that black women empowering each other through #BlackGirlMagic is a beautiful thing… its equivalent to someone not liking themselves…

New Favorite Show: The Arrow

The Arrow is a show referred to me by a co-worker. I’m three episodes in and love it! It’s all about Oliver Queen who was cast away on an island for 5 years coming back to bring justice to his hometown. Basically, the average superhero well “vigilante” narrative for tv, but packed with lots of…